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Journal for the Study of British Cultures

Journal for the Study of British Cultures

In Britain, "Cultural Studies" has developed over the last thirty years as an academic discipline in its own right investigating the whole way of life of a multicultural society. It has been mainly concerned with social processes, signifying processes and processes of identity formation as well as with important variables related to these processes such as class, race, gender, nationality, language and generation.
In German "Anglistik, Cultural Studies" is still a marginal affair, although an urgent need to enhance the cultural domain is voiced by many students and university teachers. The JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF BRITISH CULTURES (JSBC) improves the current situation and provides an appropriate platform for the presentation and discussion of "Cultural Studies" in both Germany and other German-speaking countries.
This journal, with a wider European perspective in mind, will offer the opportunity of (a) exploring the fields of Cultural Studies in theory and practice, (b) applying a wide range of approaches and (c) transcending traditional boundaries by interdisciplinary collaboration. It addresses all those interested in British Cultures, most notably people involved in research and in training cultural mediators.

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.Kein Verlag bekannt08.06.20112736

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