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Kunst und Aktion im Alltag der Stadt

Verlagtranscript Verlag
ReiheUrban Studies 
Seitenanzahl278 Seiten
Preis32,99 EUR
Artivism, the combination of art and social action in public space, is often mentioned in the same breath as the great revolts and occupations of recent years. Artivism however also takes place - less spectacularly - in everyday urban settings. This books presents projects and people from the Rhineland Berlin and Istanbul, who through actionistic research and artistic action are changing, challenging and improving the daily living environments in their cities. The question: »Who does the city belong to?« can be answered through creative, good-homoured and combative appropriation. The articles here offer a great deal of motivation for researchers, artists and activists alike.

Lilo Schmitz (Prof. Dr.), Ethnologin, Kulturanthropologin und Sozialpädagogin, lehrt an der Fachhochschule Düsseldorf im Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften.

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